Gait (Running) Analysis

What is it?

You run on a treadmill. We film you. That’s the easy part. Once we have high quality, slow motion video from multiple angles we go to work. We take our time to analyze the angles of your hip flexion, forward lean, ankle dorsiflexion, ankle plantar flexion and SO MUCH MORE. We measure everything that can be measured, look at your stride as a whole and find all the possible ways to make you a better runner.

Who would benefit?

Athletes. Every athlete is a runner. Triathletes, marathoners, basketball, volleyball, soccer, lacrosse, swimmers (dry land training). Beginner, intermediate, advanced or professional athletes you’d be surprised what we can find and how much we can help you improve.

Why do you need a Gait Analysis?

Whether you’re looking to prevent an injury, getting back after an injury, looking to get faster, run more efficiently, starting a training program or just want to be a better runner all together…we can help. The average runner has a cadence of 160 steps per minute. Even if you have minor faults in your stride after 30 minutes of running thats 4,800 opportunities for something to go wrong. Running is the most repetitive sport out there and comes with high levels of force transfer from the ground to your body. Stop risking your muscles, bones, tendons and ligaments simply because you are unaware of bad mechanics.

Why Foundation?

We are the movement experts. Combined we have over 40 years of experience driving our knowledge. Our filming and comprehensive analysis is unmatched. Don’t take our word for it; checkout over 160, 5-star reviews on Google.

If you wish to schedule a gait analysis or any other performance services with us please see our Foundation Human Performance Institute website for pricing and scheduling